
Announcement: Timothy parts ways with Lestat. More information below...

It is with a heavy heart that Lestat must announce that Timothy has decided to part ways with the band to persue new personal and musical aspirations. This is an amicable parting, and we in Lestat understand and fully support Timothy in everything he does in the future! Although not a founding member, Timothy was a major force in driving Lestat from very early on in our history, and he played a large role in our reuniting in 2000.

The band will go on, but we thank Timothy for all he's done for us, and we'll miss him very much. Watch for new material from us later this year, and the release of a physical box set of our original catalog, including never before released tracks!


New merchandise page redesign!

To assist with purchasing all Lestat releases for MP3 format and iTunes, we have redesigned our merch page! Drop a comment if you have any further suggestions!


New Myspace Page to Begin 2013!

Lestat joins the new Myspace ranks. Head on over and see what Mr. Timberlake and company are doing with the new site! Looks like they are focusing on images and music mainly. Should be interesting to see where this goes.


Review of Lestat in Cleveland on 11/24!

What a great night! If you weren't there, you missed a great show. The band will be going into writing mode after a short break for the holidays, and won't be playing out again until sometime in spring/summer of 2013.

Read an excellent review of the show courtesy of Scene Magazine here!


Official Cleveland Flier for 11/24/2012!